137 South Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017


The 2024 Chebeague Island Historical Society House Tour was a success!

Dear Chebeague Community,

On behalf of the Chebeague Island Historical Society, I would like to thank you for making our 2024 House Tour comeback such an amazing success. Attendance surpassed our optimistic projections. It has been five years since our last tour, and in the community survey last fall, you asked us to bring it back, and we listened. We are grateful to all of our generous sponsors, who support CIHS and help us to continue providing programs and events for the community.

Thank you to the gracious homeowner who opened their houses, docents and bakers. We could not have done this without you. CIHS has historically relied on volunteers, and you all came through for us once again. 2024 has been a big year, full of changes for CIHS. This event will help us to position ourselves for our bright future.

Thank you again for your continued support.


Beth McNulty, President